Earnest Money Real Estate Agreement

Earnest Money Real Estate Agreement: What You Need to Know

If you`re in the market to buy or sell real estate, chances are you`ve heard the term „earnest money“ thrown around. But what exactly is earnest money, and how does it factor into a real estate transaction? In this article, we`ll explore the ins and outs of earnest money real estate agreements.

What is Earnest Money?

Earnest money, also known as a „good faith deposit,“ is a sum of money that a buyer puts down to show their commitment to purchasing a property. The amount of earnest money required can vary depending on the market, but generally, it`s around 1-3% of the purchase price.

So why is earnest money necessary? Essentially, it provides a guarantee to the seller that the buyer is serious about the transaction. When a buyer puts down earnest money, they`re essentially saying, „I`m willing to put my money where my mouth is and show that I`m serious about buying this property.“

What is an Earnest Money Real Estate Agreement?

An earnest money real estate agreement is a contract between a buyer and seller that outlines the terms of the earnest money deposit. It`s typically included as part of the larger purchase agreement, and it spells out how much money the buyer will put down, when it will be deposited, and under what circumstances it will be forfeited.

For example, if the buyer backs out of the deal for a reason that`s not specified in the contract (such as a failed inspection), they may forfeit their earnest money deposit. On the other hand, if the seller is unable to deliver clear title to the property, the buyer would typically get their earnest money back.

In addition to spelling out the terms of the earnest money deposit, the earnest money real estate agreement can also include other important details, such as the closing date, which party is responsible for paying certain fees (such as title insurance), and any contingencies that need to be met before the deal can go through (such as the successful sale of the buyer`s current home).

What Happens to Earnest Money if the Deal Falls Through?

As we mentioned earlier, the earnest money deposit is meant to provide a guarantee to the seller that the buyer is serious about the transaction. As such, if the deal falls through for reasons outside of what`s outlined in the contract, the seller may be entitled to keep the earnest money deposit.

However, if the deal falls through because of something that`s covered in the contract (such as a failed inspection or unresolvable title issues), the buyer would typically get their earnest money back.

It`s worth noting that the specifics of what happens to earnest money in the event of a failed deal can vary depending on state and local laws, as well as the terms of the contract itself. As such, it`s important for buyers and sellers to work with a qualified real estate agent or attorney to ensure that their interests are protected.


An earnest money real estate agreement is an important part of any real estate transaction. It provides a guarantee to the seller that the buyer is serious about the deal, and it lays out the terms of the earnest money deposit. If you`re in the process of buying or selling a property, be sure to work with a qualified professional who can help you navigate the complexities of earnest money and other aspects of the transaction.