Sample Family Settlement Agreement Texas

If you`re considering a divorce in Texas, you may need to draft a family settlement agreement. This document outlines the terms of your divorce, including issues such as child custody, property division, and spousal support. However, drafting an agreement can be a complex process, especially if you`re unfamiliar with the legal terminology and requirements. In this article, we`ll provide you with an overview of a sample family settlement agreement for Texas.

Child Custody

The agreement should include provisions for how you and your spouse will share custody of your children. This includes information on legal and physical custody, visitation schedules, and how you`ll make major decisions regarding your children`s upbringing. It should also address how you`ll handle transportation for visitation and any special circumstances such as holidays.

Property Division

Property division can be one of the most contentious aspects of a divorce. The agreement should specify how you`ll divide your assets, including real estate, vehicles, bank accounts, and retirement accounts. Make sure to include language that addresses community property laws in Texas. This means that any property acquired during your marriage is considered joint property, regardless of who purchased it.

Spousal Support

If one spouse is seeking financial support from the other, the agreement should include terms for spousal maintenance or alimony. This includes details on the amount of support and how long it will last. Keep in mind that Texas has strict guidelines for spousal support, so make sure to consult with a lawyer before finalizing the agreement.

Other Considerations

Depending on your circumstances, there may be other issues you need to address in your family settlement agreement. For example, if you own a business together, you`ll need to specify how you`ll divide the business or whether one spouse will buy out the other. You may also need to include provisions for how you`ll handle debts, taxes, and insurance.

Final Thoughts

Drafting a family settlement agreement can be a challenging process, but it`s important to ensure that both parties are in agreement about the terms of your divorce. Before finalizing your agreement, make sure to consult with a lawyer to ensure that it meets all of the legal requirements in Texas. By taking the time to draft a thorough agreement, you can help can provide clarity and peace of mind as you move on after your divorce.