What Was the Gentlemen`s Agreement from 1888 to 1946

The Gentlemen`s Agreement, which was in place from 1888 to 1946, was a significant agreement between the United States and Japan. It was a diplomatic agreement without any formal legal standing but had a significant impact on the immigration policies of these two countries.

The agreement was initiated by President Theodore Roosevelt and was aimed at improving diplomatic relations between the two countries. At that time, there was a growing anti-Japanese sentiment in the United States, which was fueled by the fear of Japanese immigration. This sentiment was further aggravated by the increasing economic competition between the two nations. The United States had recently acquired Hawaii, and Japan was working to expand its economic and political influence in Asia.

The agreement had two key components. First, the Japanese government agreed to limit the number of immigrants leaving Japan for the United States by issuing passports only to non-laborers, such as students, businessmen, and professionals. This restriction aimed to address the growing concern in the United States regarding Japanese labor competition.

Secondly, the United States agreed to put an end to the school segregation, which had been put in place to prevent Japanese students from being educated alongside White students. This segregation was an issue of serious concern for the Japanese government, which regarded it as a sign of racial discrimination.

The Gentlemen`s Agreement had a significant impact on immigration policies in both countries. The United States started imposing strict immigration restrictions on Japanese immigrants, which ultimately led to the introduction of the Immigration Act of 1924. The Act put a cap on the number of immigrants from each country, and the quota for Japan was significantly lower than that of other countries. This Act remained in effect until 1952.

The Gentlemen`s Agreement was finally terminated in 1946 when the United States passed the Luce-Celler Act, which finally opened the doors for Japanese immigrants and allowed them to naturalize as United States citizens.

In conclusion, the Gentlemen`s Agreement of 1888 to 1946 was a significant diplomatic agreement between the United States and Japan. It had an enormous impact on immigration policies in both countries and helped to improve diplomatic relations between the two nations.